Papermaking World Record in 1920
The 1000 foot per minute papermaking speed record was set in October of 1920 by a Bagley & Sewall Co. fourdrinier machine called “Our Jewel” upon reaching this milestone. Bagley & Sewell designed and built paper making machines that were shipped all over the world.
This paper making machine was built for and operated by the Wausau Sulphate Fibre Company in Mosinee Wisconsin and obtained this production speed on October 23, 1920.
These images are from an original “souvenir” printing on the first reels to be made upon reaching this output speed.
Bagley & Sewell was so proud of this achievement that a special medal commemorating the milestone was commissioned with Tiffany & Co. and provided to all members of the manufacturing team.

Bagley & Sewall Machinery Nameplates